Institutional Investors

Unlocking the Trillion Dollar Asset Class Hiding in Plain Sight.

Homium offers institutions a groundbreaking opportunity to invest at scale in owner-occupied real estate.
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An "alpha" icon.
Alpha Diversification
Attractive Combination of Expected Return + Volatility
Low Correlation to Financial Assets
Natural Inflation Hedge

Owner-occupied real estate is a huge but trapped asset class. Homium makes it investable.

Homium creates a new asset class, backed by owner occupied real estate by creating a partnership with the homeowner. Using industry leading partners in mortgage lending and compliance, Homium tokens deliver unlevered exposure to residential home values in a security that is marked-to-market, backed by assets secured to title, and in a form that is readily tradeable and liquid. For the first time, investors can invest side-by-side with homeowners to create an asset that historically has served as a hedge against inflation and provides a new source of uncorrelated return.

Homium is Shared Equity that is fair and transparent to both homeowners and investors.

  • Backed by conforming second mortgage loans made to owner-occupied single family homes
  • Secured to title like any other mortgage, no exotic option contracts
  • Every home appraised by third party, hybrid valuation service
  • Nationwide originators and loan servicer with best in class operations and compliance
  • Real-time securitization with asset-level transparency from inception

Are you ready to change home finance forever?